Episode 8
🎙️  Preparation brings you fifty percent closer to your goals
  • Preparation brings you fifty percent closer to your goals.
  • I personally need this reminder because I'm the type who tends to do things on the spot, including content creation.
  • Preparation is key to confidence because showing up unprepared just won't serve you.
  • However, when you show up prepared, even just mentally, it's half the battle.
  • Now all you need to do is either deliver on what you prepared or ditch it altogether and do your thing. Either way, you've prepared yourself in advance.
  • Now I'm not here for perfection and preparing until the cow's come home, as they say.
  • I'm here for imperfect actions and circumstances and showing up anyway.
  • Preparing is only one part of the puzzle and a part that can potentially boost your confidence but it is not the end all be all.
  • Your intentions and your message are always what's important. And when you hone in on that and on your story, you start to create a connection between you and the task or the people before you. You begin to work with the courage that we've talked about previously. And you share with more purpose and passion.
  • Some will say that is confidence. I call it preparation, intention, and message.