Email 8
💆🏻‍♀️ Messy middle and feminine energy
Welcome to the 8th installment of 13! 😃

Today, we're going to talk about the messy middle and feminine energy.

Usually, when we're working on something, be it a project or a full time job, the middle is often the more 'masculine' phase of the journey because it's when you push through with the work. You get things done and you just continue to do, do, do.

There seems to be no time for just being, which is what the feminine is all about.

More often, we resist being in that feminine energy especially because we're all about having to get things done with whatever we're doing.

Not to mention, it feels so counterintuitive to relax in the middle of work!

But it is possible.

It is even a good idea to continue to reflect even in the middle of busy, "messy" middle work.

There is this misconception that the feminine is always messy. And this might be caused by the feminine being associated to "emotional."

That perhaps has its own merits but it doesn't necessarily always apply.

The feminine isn't necessarily messy. Feminine energy can multitask. Feminine energy can nourish and care. And most of all, feminine energy can let go, especially of things that are no longer aligned.

As I prepare to soft launch some of my services besides my day job, I find myself trying to do, do, do all the time. And it takes becoming more intentional and present for me to let things go and relax and just be.

When you find yourself in this situation too, you can ask yourself these questions:

How can you cultivate feminine energy?
How do you create from a heart-centered perspective?
How does being heart-center fuel your work and life?
How do you release what you can't control?
You could even use these questions as journal prompts to dive even deeper.

I hope you find time to relax those muscles. To remember to breathe deeply. To create a safe space for you to do your thing

Thank you for being here and take care!

Elaine 💘