Email 11
🌌 Holding space for yourself and others
What do we mean by holding space?

Besides the very literal emoji that I included in the subject line of this email, I think holding space is about creating a safe environment.

It is about creating a safe place for you to feel however you are feeling right now.

Right now, I am feeling much more mindful and enlightened. I woke up otherwise.

How about you? What thoughts have been constantly going around your head? What feelings have you been holding in your heart?

I feel that the more we ask ourselves these questions, the more we create with more intention and grounded expectation about ourselves.

First off, let's asses.

How can you assess situations where you feel like you could benefit from holding space?

For me, it is when I feel heightened emotions that I need to create a safe space for myself. It's not helpful for me to just express to my external environment. I find that it's much more beneficial to ask myself why I am feeling the way I feel after I acknowledge the emotions.

For example, negative emotions like anger are very triggering. And it is safe to feel this. It is safe to let it move through you. It is safe to let it go.

Second, plan out or have an intention.

How do you plan for when things happen in the future that cause you to want to hold space?

Of course, in the moment, we might forget these plans. But still setting that intention can result to better results for you in the future when things don't actually go to plan.

Whenever the triggering emotions or situations happen, remember to implement holding space for yourself. This is what inner work is all about.

Even though, sometimes, it seems and feels like nothing is really happening, the small things we do and intentions we have all accumulate into creating resilience and strength within us. It may not be apparent now, but what you are doing and who you are being when you are being challenged is serving you. It's helping you heal.

Third, how does it serve?

As we stop and start with our own multipassionate projects, we often forget about holding space for things to happen and not happen. And the emotions included with these events. Holding space is all the more significant in this experience because it shows us that we are human.

You are capable of doing hard things. You are capable of feeling hard feelings. Yes, these may be inevitable, but you are stronger than that and you are more than the projects you have or the successes and failures you've experienced. You are so worthy feeling and overcoming and becoming stronger each day and each moment.

Thank you for being here! I am holding space for you. ❤️

Take care,

Elaine 💘