Episode 9
🎙️ Confidence is silent
  • Let's stop and start considering confidence. Is it innate? Were we born with or without it? Is it necessary in life?
  • What I have learned is that confidence is not for other people.
  • The deepest root of confidence is belief and trust in yourself. Not to please others nor to impress them, but so you can set yourself free from the notion that you are limited by other people's opinions of you. You are not limited by how other people perceive you. You are only limited by thoughts and feelings you hold about how you trust yourself to do scary things.
  • And therefore for me the biggest factor behind confidence is courage. Courage to be you despite what others may think. Courage to fulfill your own potential despite how you grew up. Courage to face the future despite the anxiety of not knowing what it holds.
  • Confidence is a tool that isn't always necessarily used to relate to others (although that is useful and can be meaningful too). It is a life tool for you so you can be free. So you can create a life that fulfills the unlimited potential you have. Confidence is taking the leap in your own life.

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