Episode 5
🎙️  Documenting the process of streamlining your work

  • How it started
  • How it's going
  • Streamlining → an arduous process
  • Using systems and tools like Notion
    • Premade templates to save time
    • Boundaries between research that saves time and creates output vs going through rabbit holes (sometimes rabbit holes are useful too)
    • I didn't ask myself foundational questions at first, I just went with what I felt called to do (intuition)
  • Then I tested and experimented

Sometimes your why isn't as fancy as saving the world, sometimes it's just about paying bills (or debts) → got me into graphic design and video editing

Systems are all good but they have to work towards a goal. What is the end result you want? Is it to pay off debts? To be famous? To serve?

If you are in a heart-centered business, you are creating something beautiful for others and yourself.