Email 5
💘 What it means to be heart-centered
You might be reading this and thinking, "Hmm, heart-centered, what does that even mean?"

And you're right in asking that because it is quite subjective for each and every one of us.

But mostly, it's about feelings, right?

Mostly, it's about emotions?

I think... I feel... like it's also about tuning in. To our mind, our heart/ feelings, our BODY, and the macro view of ourselves as we relate to others.

I might not be making complete sense here and I feel like this is exactly what it means when you're being heart-centered while creating content.
It's being real and being human.

For some reason, I just felt real sad today.

I couldn't keep up with work, personal goals, side gig goals, relationships, etc.

I felt like I'm always catching up while simultaneously gasping for air.

And when I woke up this morning, I just felt a little sad.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still very much thankful for all that I have and am now.

But I believe we can still be sad while being grateful. We can feel everything at once, you know?

Sadness, much like happiness, is just a feeling.

And we can choose to feel something else. But we can also choose to acknowledge what is.

Ignoring just might make the feeling worse later on, as is often the case.

So thank you, Audee, for your understanding and time. For your kindness. For holding space for me today. I know I was supposed to send this earlier but I'm also trying to practice what I preach and I hope you do, too.

I hope you can find it within yourself to recognize when you need to rest.

Sometimes, it might be in our head that we're doing too much. But our bodies don't lie.
Our hearts don't lie.

You will always find that your body is the smartest creation ever. It knows what it needs to do when it needs to do it. And all we just need to do is to just be silent and listen.

Take care,
