Episode 1
🎙️  Building foundations: The first week with Notion

Building Foundations: The first week with Notion

Thanks, Wandering Aimfully, for introducing me to Notion with the awesome templates you provided!

Invitation to Join: https://bit.ly/3EAzHci

Disclaimer: There's a lot of rambling in the intro and, let's be honest, throughout the whole episoded. lolol

These are the things that the first week of Notion can help you to track, review, and accomplish:

  1. Habits → inspired to wake up earlier (personally, at 9am, previously at 12pm or later); the art of discipline
  2. Systems → looking forward to my Notion Daily Dashboard, and to life and work around Notion (seeing all my tasks, goals, and projects clearly helps you tackle things little by little towards projects and goals)
  3. Strength → daily trackers to help keep the motivation to exercise and move your body even for a few minutes each day; weekly review of the checkboxes to help you see your progress
  4. Resilience → mental health habits that strengthen your foundation; your foundation is you

* Please note that enrolment for WAIM ends on the 27th (not the 23rd as I blabbed about in the episode. Lol.)

Join us at Wandering Aimfully today.