Email 1
😍 Stop and start - The real deal of being multi-passionate 
Hey  👋

How are you?

Welcome to my new series called, Stop and Start, the real deal of being multi-passionate. 😁
The concept of Stop and Start was born when I was thinking of a new series to refresh this newsletter.

Then I thought about the many things we want to do as multi-passionates and how we can sometimes berate ourselves for not following through with our projects.

Today, I wanted to remind you that it's okay to stop and start your projects.

I have been procrastinating on sending my weekly mail again because I felt like everything had to be perfect.

It's so funny how we often forget the things we uphold in our hearts. Perfection was something I used to not let bother me. In my heart, holding space for imperfection was the key to putting work out there.

But then I forgot that and I had to hold space for myself to be who I am. Hold space for life to happen at its own pace.

It has been difficult for me to let go of the pressure of being seen and heard as a content creator.

It has also been challenging to release the need to be so productive every damn day.

I mean, how many of us have heard that line, "Rest is for the weak"?

That line actually became etched to my subconscious.

And it doesn't have to be that way.

There's a more compassionate, more time abundant, more fun way to work and it is by letting work be enough and letting ourselves rest.

This new series is for you, my fellow, beautiful multi-passionate human.
You are creative. You are a co-creator and you are so much more powerful than you can imagine!

Sometimes, we go through phases in our life where we prioritize other things. And that's okay too.

What you need is care for yourself and others. Your mind is a sacred space. Letting go of thoughts that don't serve you is also an act of care.

There is beauty in letting go of and healing those beliefs of over-producing and over-compensating to “keep up.”

There is beauty in letting in love and care for the self. Starting and stopping when you feel like it, when you need to and even, especially, when you just want to.

It's not wrong to rest. It's not wrong to stop and it's certainly not wrong to start again. 🙂

Elaine 💘